Friday, January 27, 2012

the art (for cousin natasha) (and me)

liberty is never dull
holds back the heavy axe above the little bastard cornhusk doll
threats of hellish endless nights
and then it walks away
sometimes bloody
sometimes pale
always breathless
never dull

liberty is never dull
slaps the white and pasty hairless ass of a bloated fool
i remember the advice of that friend of mine
“always gallop toward the enemy
but always trot away.”
sometimes bloody
sometimes pale
always breathless
never dull


but the bars and chains are so damned sweet
sing their siren song

work your art
work your art
practice the craft
bend the bars
break the chains
for liberty is never dull

1 comment:

  1. Ultra cool! I felt and understood every wacky word. This is amazing!
