Tuesday, March 6, 2012

big sensation

feel the acid run through my rubbery-lovely sausage casings
and the liquified purpose shoot hot streams of plasma life
right up into my very heart
as the sucker-mouthed liver spot king
rams his tongue into that frosty cup
frosty cup of frosty treat and the fat fat fat white killer fat
melts so slowly
melts so gently
melts right into his heart
right into his heart where the long hardened rubber pipe cleaner
sticks like a
nightcrawler with a pipe cleaner up its nematodic ass
all stiff and white and rubbery and holding back the life
the sucker-mouthed liver spot king
wishes he had abundantly loved
gravel lip sucker-mouthed hipster
comb your hair
feel that grease
lovely retirement
flash that peace
raped the next generation
pushed your debt up the birth canal
of a pregnant nation
pregnant with hope and pregnant with pain
spat out love
pissed acid rain
raped the hope right out of the fresh century
and now feel the acid run through my rubbery-lovely sausage casings
and the liquified purpose shoot hot streams of liquid life
right up into my very heart
suck it up you fool
and stick that frosty treat
in the hole of your choosing

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